Thursday, May 31, 2007

University - Is it all that great?

I remember the last days of high school where everyone spent dreaming of life in uni/tafe/etc and loved the thought of skipping lectures without getting in to (too much) trouble. The days where we were all wondering what uni life was like, joining all the societies at open days, and thinking that life at uni would be great.

Three years into it.. It doesn't seem to be that great anymore - not for some of us anyway. I used to have a picture of the quadrangle [to the right] (that's what it's called right?) that I cut out and kept in my wallet (god knows why - 'cause I don't), and after starting uni, I could probably count exactly the number of times I've been anywhere near the quadrangle buildings - 0 times. Yup, all those days I argued with friends that Sydney University was better because we had cool looking buildings - not that great if I never go to any of it.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, Design Computing did teach you ONE thing, its F-B-S!! oh btw nice site, till then ill *cough, stay tuned :D

May 31, 2007 at 10:38 PM

Blogger Raye said...

I already forgot what F B S stands for. Something something structure. Can't believe you remember that, I completely forgot about that.

May 31, 2007 at 11:09 PM

Blogger tianna said...

well, i'm still in my second year so i can't really sum it up like you can, though my first 2 years of uni routine were quite similar to yours. but now i tend to skip a lot of lectures and tutorials too! uni life is not exciting for me haha.

June 1, 2007 at 8:50 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't like uni.. yet? Maybe it'll get better. Here's hoping. =)

June 1, 2007 at 10:42 PM


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